Friday, 4 May 2012

Melkins prophecy explained

The riddle of the Prophecy of Melkin is Decoded and locates the Island of Avalon as being synonymous with the Island connected by a sandy beach opposite Bigbury on Sea in Devon.
The clue given to Father William Good was that Joseph of Arimathea was buried in Montacute. This was just a directional clue to the real Island of Avalon in Devon which is Burgh Island where the Body of King Arthur and Joseph of Arimathea were laid to rest.
This is fuuly covered and elucidated in a book titled And Did those feet by Michael Goldsworthy

Click the link below to get the book or ebook

In the Dark Ages a monk called Melkin left a riddle that purported to expose the burial site of Joseph of Arimathea. This Location has long been thought to exist within the Glastonbury grounds but the author has meticulously studied some of the oldest Latin texts from Glastonbury Abbey and has uncovered not only deliberate obfuscation of the facts surrounding King Arthur and Joseph of Arimathea but has solved the monks riddle which spells out with pinpoint accuracy the whereabouts of the resting place of these illustrious men in the Island of Avalon. The geometric puzzle describes directions that are derived from the Ley line system built by Neolithic man and the book describes how this huge display of geometrical precision across the British landscape was understood and known to exist as late as late the 1300’s. An array of churches was built upon this ancient system to point out to posterity the location of the tomb.

 This secret location is called the Island of Avalon and the same monk visited this island at the death of Britain’s famous King Arthur. Here he found arcane information from the Temple in Jerusalem that was brought to England by Joseph of Arimathea. This information with an account of the first Christians arrival with Mary Magdalene was written in a book called The Grail that found its way to France and gave rise to the wide array of Grail stories.

‘And did those feet’ proves that the body of Jesus is in fact buried with Joseph of Arimathea and the whereabouts of this island is in Devon. It used to be known as the ancient Island of Ictis and contains within it an ancient tin vault that became their tomb which had originally been used to store tin ingots. The confirmation of the whereabouts of this tomb is given by precise geometry upon the British landscape left in the complex Latin puzzle by the monk Melkin but its position is also verified by a Jesuit priest who lived in the sixteenth century who was unaware of the significance of the clue he was given.

 The Templars in the middle ages were aware of the location of this tomb and deposited their treasure in the same tomb on Christmas day 1307. However they removed one item from the sepulchre within the island. This was what has now become known as the Turin Shroud. The Turin Shroud in the monk’s Latin puzzle has the same description once the Latin puzzle is deciphered. This artefact due to Melkin’s description, later became known as the Holy Grail by an inordinate amount of misunderstanding and direct obfuscation, but the Holy Grail is in fact something inestimably more valuable and this book sets out and explains what the Grail is and how the Grail stories came about. The body of Jesus, around which the Turin Shroud was once wrapped, is still within the tomb, steeped in Cedar oil and this is what formed the image on the Shroud over a period of six hundred years as it was formed within what became known as the Grail Arc.

 The reason this Island was chosen to house what is the holiest relic of all, is because it was not widely known in the ancient world except through a report by one of the first Greek explorers to Britain. Devon and Cornwall have a history in the tin industry and it was from this island that tin was traded with Joseph of Arimathea who, Cornish tradition has always maintained, was a tin merchant and was accompanied on his trading missions by Jesus. The book uncovers an ancient Biblical link to the Devon and Cornish peninsula through a bloodline from the first born of Judah one of the twelve sons of Israel, called Zerah. It is from his heritage a Line of Kings was born in the South west of England known as the kings of Sarras which culminated with the famous King Arthur.

 King Arthur, Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea are known to be buried on the Island today called Burgh Island but there is also with them the Arc of the Covenant and the Templar treasure. The book traces these events pulling together a wide source of detail linking the most powerful people in Europe like Eleanor of Aquitaine and kings with these events.

Leonardo Da Vinci visited this Island in the last three years of his life and left clues within four paintings, that show the geographical features of the Island and he let the world know by his picture puzzle (rebus) in the Windsor Library, that he was showing us a great mystery and went as far as saying he would show where it is, in his two paintings of the Yarnwinder.

 The amazing coincidences that have brought this knowledge into the modern era can only be viewed as having been determined by supernatural forces as this whole drama is played out to specific times that are spoken of by the biblical prophets. The implication and ramifications of the discovery of this tomb will have ramifications across the world as the book uncovers the relationship between this tomb’s unveiling and how it was predicted by the Prophets.

The island of Sarras is the same as the Island of Avalon and the Isle of Ictis. This is Burgh Island in Devon in Southern England.

This short quest will offer definitive answers upon such enquiries as:
1) What is the relationship between the Neolithic works dotted around on the British landscape, and those who built the many churches on pre-exiting pagan sites?  What were the megalith builders trying to achieve, and how was it that our church fathers had an understanding of their arcane knowledge?  Should we assume that the medieval church builders had an understanding of their predecessors’ geometric and astrological knowledge?  What were the pyramid builders trying to achieve and was that goal somehow aligned with the aspirations of the megalith builders?  Why were so many millions of man-hours employed?  What did their constructions actually achieve?
2] Who was St. Michael and why is it that his name is inextricably linked with the phenomenon of the longest Ley Line in Britain?  What does this system of Ley Line's constructed upon the British landscape portend for future generations?  How is it that an Archangel mentioned briefly in only three books in the Bible, has somehow evolved to become a saint, without actually having lived yet or ever being canonized?  What is St. Michael’s relationship to Jesus?  Where is Jesus buried and why is his body still preserved?
3] Who was Joseph of Arimathea and where is he buried?  What was his connection with the British Isles?  Can we find any truth in the legend that he was a tin merchant?  As the uncle of Jesus, what is the likelihood that he escorted him on occasion to the British Isles?  Did Jesus arrive in Cornwall and acquire much of his wisdom in the British Isles?  If so, who were the teachers of such valued learning?  Why do the Gospel accounts differ about the body of Jesus, King of the Jews.  What constitutes a Jew and how is it that an Island in Britain takes the name of Judah’s son and natural heir?
4] Where exactly is the fabled Island of Ictis and can we establish a relationship between this island, renowned in the ancient world as an exporter of tin, with Joseph of Arimathea?  Why is it that Ictis has only now been located, when it has been in plain view of all researchers.  Was there ever a connection between the island of Ictis and the Isle of Avalon, mentioned by the sixth century monk Melkin?  How does Melkin know that the island of Ictis is the Avalon of the Grail Romances, and Arthurian legend?  Where is the Island of Sarras and why is it so named?
5] What exactly is the prophetic tradition?  Do the biblical prophets have any relevance today?  Was the prophecy of Melkin that tells of the whereabouts of Jesus’ tomb, of that same prophetic tradition?  Did Melkin actually write a prophecy or a riddle?  Is the Welsh tradition of the Triads which speak of the ‘Perpetual Choirs’, in any way linked to a ley line design on the British landscape?
6] Where exactly does the Glastonbury tradition get intertwined with these other questions regarding its connection to Joseph of Arimathea and through the various Grail stories?  Was King Arthur’s body actually found in Glastonbury, or was it an elaborate hoax?  If not, where is he buried?  Who is responsible for the Glastonbury deception regarding the Isle of Avalon.
7] What is the connection between the Templar treasure and the Isle of Avalon and what has this to do with Leonardo da Vinci?  How did Leonardo know of the whereabouts of Avalon and the story of the Magdalene?
8] What is the meaning of the Grail stories?  What is the Grail and who does it serve?  Who knew the meaning of the Grail and who wrote the original book?  How did the Grail become a vessel or chalice that holds the blood and sweat of Jesus?
9] What has the Grail tradition to do with the Turin Shroud?  How was it that Science was unable to say how the image on the Turin Shroud was formed?  Why can no one explain the shrouds provenance or history prior to 1353 AD?
10] What is Time and how should it be perceived?  How do Prophets see through time to relate a divine plan?  What is the connection between Britain and the Messianic line of Judah spoken of by these prophets?
11] Finally, if all the above questions are answered, what implications will they present for the modern religious order and status quo that affects every Christian, Moslem and Jew that is alive on the earth today?

Showing the directional geometry of the monk Melkin who prophesied of the uncovering of the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea in the Island of Avalon 104 nautical miles at thirteen degrees to the St. Michael Ley line. This bifurcation takes place at Avebuty stone Circle the 'sperulis' of Melkin's prophecy.

In 1191 the bones of King Arthur were unearthed supposedly at Glastonbury Abbey. It was rumoured that a cross was found with him which convieniently stated that King Arthur, (i.e the bones just unearthed), were found in Avalon confirming to those that needed to be persuaded, that Avalon was in fact Glastonbury. The reason the monks at Glastonbury committed fraud such as this was because of the Grail legends that emanated from France which associated King Arthur with Joseph of Arimathea. These were now prevalent and Glastonbury needed an association with a saint to pull in the Pilgrims. Also because of Melkin’s prophecy, Joseph had always been associated with Glastonbury because of his Church that william of Malmesbury attests to.

Nobody was too sure where the island of Avalon was, but everybody knew that King Arthur and Joseph of Arimathea, were buried in Avalon. Neither William of Malmesbury nor Geoffrey of Monmouth associated Glastonbury with the Island of Avalon at the time they wrote. This was a later corruption by monks and the sole purpose of producing the fraudulent cross was to establish Glastonbury as Avalon. If Glastonbury could only be established as Avalon by the unearthing of King Arthur, then it must follow the Joseph of Arimathea was also buried within the Abbey grounds if all were convinced that Glastonbury was Avalon. To unearth Joseph of Arimathea, however, would prove difficult as it was known that he was buried with the holy Grail. Since the monks were not apprised of what the holy Grail consisted of, it was easier to fabricate the unearthing of King Arthur with a cross attesting to the fact that where he was unearthed was indeed Glastonbury and therefore it must be the island of Avalon. The reason Joseph of Arimathea needed to be associated with Glastonbury is because the monks needed funding to rebuild their Abbey after the fire.

Prior to the fire of 1184, there existed a prophecy written by a monk called Melkin. In this prophecy, (once it is decoded), Melkin supplies very pertinent information in geometric instructions, that gives precise directions to an island in Devon. This island is Burgh island in Devon. Melkin states that the body of Joseph of Arimathea lies in the southern angle of a bifurcated line. Once Melkin's code is deciphered, it clearly portrays that Avebury is the point on the St. Michael’s ley line, which in his puzzle, he refers to as a ‘sperula’or sphere, meaning a stone circle. This is the point within the Avebury stone circle complex which, at 13°, if one scribe's a line through Montacute to Burgh island (which Melkin calls the island of Avalon), it is exactly one hundred and Four nautical miles, the exact number that Melkin gives. We should not forget that Father William good deposited this clue in the English college at Rome. Someone or some organisation had tried to eliminate this information from Maihew's Trophea to prevent the Joseph line being found but luckily this clue was preseved in Stillingfleets private collection and thus acts as a confirmation that the line is Genuine. It also seems that several marker churches that identified the genuine Avalon were also destroyed to prevent this information coming into the public arena.

The location of Avalon has always been thought to exist at Glastonbury but with a recent study of some of the oldest text and the uncovering of the fraud concerning King Arthur carried out by the monks at Glastonbury, it is evident that Avalon is in Devon . The references that Melkin gives are part of a geometric riddle that once solved, points straight to the island in Devon which is obviously fits Diodorus’s description as Ictis.

This is in fact named in the Grail stories as the island of Sarras named after Judah’s eldest son Zarah, who broke the womb first. His name has the same pronunciation as Sarra in French and his descendants came to the south-west and were the primordial miners of tin on southern Dartmoor who brought their tin to this island to be sold. This is the reason that in the Grail stories, the island is called Sarras and to which the holy Grail was brought. It is to this island that after the crucifixion of Jesus, when his body was taken down from the cross by his uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, it was then conveyed to a box filled with Cedar oil so that it might preserve his corpse. This box or coffin known as the Grail Ark was then conveyed with Joseph and several others from Jerusalem to the island of Sarras, which Joseph knew well, having visited many times previously on his mercantile trips with Jesus. This island had been known about in the Greek chronicles because Pytheas a Greek explorer had visited the island on his expedition to find amber which they did not realise was the sometime by product of tin and copper smelting. The island was kept secret over many years since Pytheas’ visit, until Joseph of Arimathea visited the island with Jesus on one of his trips abroad gathering metals.

It was to this island previously known as Ictis that Joseph of Arimathea chose to convey the Grail ark and place Jesus in an old tin vault that had been shut down or made redundant due to the Roman invasion. For about 1000 years, the island called Burgh island had been the place on the coast where all the tin miners up on southern Dartmoor had brought their tin to be stored in the vault. This transpired so that visiting traders could take away tin at any time and the island acted as a trading post. It is for this reason that Diodorous refers to it as an ‘emporium’. It becomes clear now the reason that Joseph of Arimathea knew the island very well. Strabo even relates the story behind the cache of tin ingots found at the head of the Erm.

The gospels relate that Jesus was laid to rest in a hewed out tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea and the rumours still persisted as eyewitnesses had seen the doubled over white shroud that covered his body as he lay in the Grail ark. One wonders if the Gospel accounts of the burial of Jesus are just the echoes of the misconstrued eyewitness accounts that existed in Jerusalem just after the resurrection. This set of events aslo explains why the flower imprints were found on the Turin shroud. This is fully explained in detail in a book called ‘And did those feet’, written by Michael Goldsworthy as new theory as to how the Grail stories, the Arthurian legend at Glastonbury and the gospels interlink and provide evidence of the whereabouts of the body of Jesus.

Melkin, who actually wrote the original book of the Grail, which ended up over in France and gave rise to the many Arthurian Grail romances now is understood to be the same person who provided the rumours of Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury. So now we have a tomb containing King Arthur, Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus that was last shut when Melkin moved to France in around 600AD, sometime after the Saxon invasion. However the Templars, once they have been disbanded in the Middle Ages, were also privy to this island location and they knew what was buried within. It was here on Christmas Day in 1307 that they decided, (after King Philip and the Pope had disbanded their organisation), to relocate their treasure that they had managed to recuperate and ammased it into three treasure ships that left La Rochelle on 13Tth October 1307.

While depositing their treasure in the tomb they removed the Shroud of Jesus that had been submerged in the Cedar oil for 600 years while covering his body. It is inside this vault that the image of Jesus on the Turin Shroud was formed while draped over the body of Jesus in Cedar oil. The evaporated Cedar oil has left a caramel like substance all over the Turin Shroud, but the image itself was formed by the detritus left behind by anaerobic bacteria.

Only 50 years later, one of the Templars that died with Jack de Molay near Notre Dame in Paris, had a granddaughter that produced the Turin Shroud. This is not coincidence and answers the many questions of why there is no provenance for the Shroud of Turin prior to 1354. The Shroud had existed within the tin vault until the Templars arrive and remove it. The song which became a Christmas Carol; ‘I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day in the morning’ is really the echo of the Templars bringing their treasure to the island of Avalon in Devon. However, this song had always been associated in Cornish tradition to the visit of Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea. It was the Templars, however, that marked out all the churches dedicated to St. Michael that lie along the St. Michael Ley line. Oddly enough, it is the other St. Michael churches that we used as markers, that confirm that the island of Avalon is indeed Burgh island in Devon

It is this line that Melkin refers to, which, when bifurcated within the Avebury stones at 13° and a line is scribed for 104 nautical miles it lands on this same island. Unequivocably Melkin understands the connection between the island of Ictis used by Joseph of Arimathea and clearly calls it the island of Avalon. Firstly, it is known by the Greeks as Ictis, secondly, as the island of Sarras by the French Grail writers and thirdly, as the island of Avalon named as such by Melkin originally and made to appear as pertaining to Glastonbury tor by some devious medieval monks . It is even referred to as the island of Avaron by some of the Grail writers.

The unofficial anthem written by William Blake called Jerusalem starts with the line ‘And did those feet’. This is the title of the book written by Michael Goldsworthy , which conveys the same story that Jesus visited England while accompanying his father, Joseph of Arimathea to Britain. The book called ‘And did those feet’clearly deciphers Melkin’s prophecy, so that it becomes apparent that Melkin knew where the island of Avalon was and what existed within it. To fully understand this extraordinary set of events, go to the link provided below and buy the ebook

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